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We use Employ Florida as our job search tool to connect job seekers with employers.  In order to get the most out of our job services, you must first register with Employ Florida.  This will assist CareerSource North Florida in determining your needs for service, and most importantly, it will give the employers who use it to recruit employees accurate and up-to-date information about you.

In order to get the most out of our services, follow these steps:

  1.  Register with Employ Florida
  2.  Complete or update your Personal Information
  3.  Complete or update your information in the Background Wizard
  4.  Complete the 5 Self-Assessments (Job Skills, Personal Skills, Work Interests, Tools & Technology, and Work Values)
  5.  Use the Resume Builder or upload your existing resume, and
  6.  Set up a Virtual Recruiter.

For assistance, call or visit the CareerSource North Florida office nearest you:

Madison Office

Live Oak Office